The Appeal Fulfilling the Rights of young Refugees in Europe and at its Borders of the German Youth Advisory Board (FYAB) is now available in English. In the Appeal the FYAB lends a voice to the rights of young people on the borders of Europe and during their migration on the continent itself.
In recent years, the FYAB has repeatedly pointed out the realization of the rights of young people and, against this background, has formulated basic criteria for securing the rights of children and young people, which must be taken into account in Europe-wide regulations. The key points mentioned in the appeal are viewed by the FYAB as indispensable minimum standards for the further development of a European refugee policy.
The german Federal Youth Advisory Board (in short: FYAB; in German: Bundesjugendkuratorium/BJK) is providing selected publications in English. In so doing, FYAB is not only highlighting challenges in child and youth policy that are relevant at the pan-European level but also accounting for the transnational realities of young people's lives.
Photo Credit: Mark Stebnicki | Pexels
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