Young People in the Policy Advice Process

Recommendations for ensuring greater participation by the younger generation at the federal level

English Content

Following Germany’s presidency of the EU Council from 1 July to 31 December 2020 and considering the strong relevance of decisions on European policy for young people, the German Federal Youth Advisory Board (in short: FYAB; in German: Bundesjugendkuratorium/BJK) is now making selected publications available in English. In so doing, FYAB is not only highlighting challenges in child and youth policy that are relevant at the pan-European level but also accounting for the transnational realities of young people's lives.

In the statement Young People in the Policy Advice Process. Recommendations for ensuring greater participation by the younger generation at the federal level and the explainer video, FYAB has called for the perspectives of young people with their diverse experiences and social backgrounds to be incorporated into the policy advice process. With a view to the goal of realizing cross-cutting political participation of young people in the policy advice process in both Germany and the European Union, this statement provides a basis for discussing questions of access, quality standards and age-appropriate formats for optimal participation.


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Weitere Inhalte

Recommendations for ensuring greater participation by the younger generation at the federal level
English Content

Young People in the Policy Advice Process

Recommendations for ensuring greater participation by the younger generation at the federal level

Considering the strong relevance of decisions on European policy for young people, FYAB is making selected publications available in English.

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English Content

Enabling Social Participation Among Young Adults

Considering the strong relevance of decisions on European policy for young people, FYAB is making selected publications available in English.

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